  Henry                     │ henry@karlek.io │
   Eklind                   │ +4672 600 66 99 │

Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten) ──────────────────────────────────────//──

  2020 — Present
  Security Engineer

I work with advanced cyber security operations related to red teaming,
cryptography, programming, penetration testing, and computer forensics.

Tink AB ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────//──

  2016 — 2020
  Reverse Engineer

I co-founded a reverse engineering specialist team. We reverse-engineered the
most challenging bank applications, wrote tools to make the process easier and
educated other engineers on reverse engineering.

We created a tool that generates pseudocode of an arbitrary application's
cryptographic flow by recording and analyzing the calls to cryptographic
functions in runtime.

KTH The Royal Institute of Technology ──────────────────────────────────────//──

  2013 — 2018
  M.Sc. in Computer Science

A combined bachelor's and master's education in Computer Science with a
specialization in machine learning and data science.

Tohoku University, Japan ───────────────────────────────────────────────────//──

  Spring 2018
  Kato-Nishiyama Laboratory - Research semester

I researched the viability and benefits of applying deep reinforcement learning
in network control systems for more performant network routing.